[Bold entries below are those sources most often quoted in my notes on the plays. See also the general MLA Works List. For a full bibliography, see James A. Warren’s An Index to Oxfordian Publications. 3rd ed. Somerville, MA: Forever Press, 2015.]
Allen, Percy. The Case for Edward de Vere Seventeenth Earl of Oxford as “Shakespeare.” London: Cecil Palmer, 1930.
Altrocchi, Paul. “Is a Powerful Authorship Smoking Gun Buried Within Westminster Abbey?” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 44.3 (Summer 2009): 1, 3-13.
Amphlett, H. Who Was Shakespeare?: A New Enquiry. London: William Heinemann, Ltd., 1955. De Vere is the answer.
Anderson, Mark. “Shakespeare” By Another Name. NY: Gotham Books / Penguin, 2005. An encyclopedic biography of de Vere.
Baron, Dennis. De Vere is Shakespeare. Cambridge: The Oleander Press, 1997. A poor mega-listing of supposed name puns.
Beauclerk, Charles. Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom: The True History of Shakespeare and Elizabeth. NY: Grove Press, 2010.
Bethell, Tom, Gail Kern Paster, et al. “The Ghost of Shakespeare.” Harper’s Magazine April 1999: 35-62. Five Oxfordians and five Stratfordians state their cases.
Bond, Jonathan. The De Vere Code: Proof of the True Author of Shake-speares Sonnets. Canterbury: Real Press, 2009. Focuses on the dedication page, more convincingly than I expected.
Brame, Michael and Galina Popova, ed. Secret Shakespeare’s Adventures of Freeman Jones. Adonis Editions, 2004.
—. Shakespeare’s Fingerprints. Adonis Editions, 2002. Linguistic principles show Oxford as the author of numerous Elizabethan works and using a host of pseudonyms.
Brewster, Eleanor. Oxford and His Elizabethan Ladies. Philadelphia: Dorrance and Co., 1972. Chapters on his relationships with his mother, sister, wife, queen, mistress, second wife, and daughters.
Bull, Malcolm. The Mirror of the Gods: Classical Mythology in Renaissance Art. NY: Penguin, 2005.
Chiljan, Katherine. Shakespeare Suppressed: The Uncensored Truth about Shakespeare and his Works. San Francisco: Faire Editions, 2011. Especially excellent with the literary context and the significant connections from Elizabethan poets, playwrights, and works.
Clark, Eva Turner. Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare’s Plays. 1931. 3rd ed. by Ruth Loyd Miller. Port Washington: Kennikat Press, 1974. Foundational Oxfordian work in tracing historical reflections in the plays much earlier than the traditional datings.
Davis, Frank. “Revisiting the Dating of Twelfth Night.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 38.4 (Fall 2002): 8-11, 24.
Davis, Frank M. “Shakespeare’s Medical Knowledge: How Did He Acquire It?” The Oxfordian 3 (2000): 45-58.
Desper, C. Richard and Gary C. Vezzoli. “A Statistical Approach to the Shakespeare Authorship Question.” Elizabethan Review 1.2 (Fall 1993): 36-42.
Farina, William. De Vere as Shakespeare: An Oxfordian Reading of the Canon. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2006.
Feldman, Bronson. Hamlet Himself. Philadelphia: Lovelore Press, 1977. Impressively thorough autobiographical look at Hamlet with disturbing Freudian psychoanalytic implications.
Frontline: The Shakespeare Mystery. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shakespeare/
Gordon, Helen Heightsman. “How Rosicrucian Friends Concealed and Revealed Shakespeare’s Secrets with Ciphers, Clues, and Symbols.” Rose-Croix Journal 8 (Spring 2011): 40-71.
—. The Secret Love Story in Shakespeare’s Sonnets. 2nd edition. Xlibris, 2008.
—. “Shakespeare’s Rosicrucian Revelations in the Dedication to the Sonnets.” Rose-Croix Journal 4 (Spring 2007): 1-20.
Great Oxford: Essays on the Life and Work of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, 1550-1604. Ed. Richard Malim. Tunbridge Wells, UK: Parapress Ltd., 2004.
Hernandez, Romel. “Scholar stands by theory of Shakespeare as a fraud.” The Seattle Times 4 April 1999: B4. Daniel Wright, director of the annual Shakespeare Authorship Studies conference at Concordia University in Portland, defends his Oxfordianism.
Hope, Warren and Kim Holston. The Shakespeare Controversy: An Analysis of Authorship Theories. 2nd ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., Inc., Pub., 2009. Asserts Oxfordianism; omits PT; check p. 226.
Hughes, Stephanie Hopkins. “‘Shakespeare’s’ Tutor: Sir Thomas Smith (1513-1577).” The Oxfordian 3 (2000): 19-44.
Hunt, Douglas. “Arguing When Facts Are Disputed.” The Riverside Guide to Writing. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1991. 168-194. A quick summary of the authorship issue used as a sample for rhetorical considerations.
Jolly, Eddi. “‘Shakespeare’ and Burghley’s Library.” The Oxfordian 3 (2000): 3-18.
Looney, J. Thomas. “Shakespeare” Identified. 1920. 3rd edition by Ruth Loyd Miller. Port Washington: Kennikat Press, 1975. The work that launched the movement.
Magri, Noemi. Such Fruits Out of Italy: The Italian Renaissance in Shakespeare’s Plays and Poems. Buchholz, Germany: Laugwitz Verlag, 2014.
Nelson, Alan H. Monstrous Adversary. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003. A slanderous and bungled biography of Oxford.
Ogburn, Charlton. The Mysterious William Shakespeare: The Myth and the Reality. 2nd ed. McLean, VA: EPM Pub., 1992. Probably the most influential Oxfordian book in the past many years.
Ogburn, Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn. This Star of England. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Pub., 1952. Nearly 1300 pages and, criminally, out of print.
Pearson, Daphne. Edward de Vere (1550-1604): The Crisis and Consequences of Wardship. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Co., 2005.
Phillips, G[erald]. W[illiam]. Lord Burghley in Shakespeare: Falstaff, Sly, and Others. London: T. Butterworth, Ltd., 1936.
Roe, Richard Paul. The Shakespeare Guide to Italy. NY: Harper Perennial, 2011.
Sears, Elisabeth. Shakespeare and the Tudor Rose. Marshfield Hills, MA: Meadow Geese Press, 2002. A handy exposure to Prince Tudor theory.
The Shakespeare Authorship Sourcebook. https://sourcetext.com/sourcebook/. Contains (or will) J. Thomas Looney, “Shakespeare” Identified; Dorothy and Charleton Ogburn, This Star of England; and other resources.
The Shakespeare Conspiracy. Narr. Sir Derek Jacobi. TMW Media Group, Inc., 2000. 50 min. The star of I, C-C-C-Claudius and of the Shakespearean episode of Frasier is the Oxfordian presenter of the case.
Showerman, Earl. “Horestes and Hamlet.” The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter 44.2 (Spring 2008): 1, 8-9.
Simon, Kate. A Renaissance Tapestry: The Gonzaga of Mantua. NY: Harper & Row, Pub., 1988.
Sobran, Joseph. Alias Shakespeare: Solving the Greatest Literary Mystery of All Time. NY: The Free Press, 1997.
Stritmatter, Roger. “De Vere’s Dedicatory Poem in Cardan’s Comforte (1573).” The Oxfordian 1 (1998): 53-63.
—. “A Law Case in Verse: Venus and Adonis and the Authorship Question.” Tennessee Law Review 72 (2004): 307-355.
—. The Marginalia of Edward de Vere’s Geneva Bible. Dissertation. University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2001. And much more about the de Vere case than the marginalia too.
Usher, Peter. “Shakespeare’s Support for the New Astronomy.” The Oxfordian 5 (2002): 132-146.
Ward, Bernard M. The Seventeenth Earl of Oxford (1550-1604) from Contemporary Documents. London: John Murray, 1928. The first full biography, discrete concerning the authorship issue.
Warren, James, ed. An Index to Oxfordian Publications. 2nd edition. Somerville, MA: Forever Press, 2013.
Werth, Andrew. “Shakespeare’s ‘Lesse Greek.'” The Oxfordian 5 (2002): 11-29.
Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare: Who Was He? The Oxford Challenge to the Bard of Avon. Westport, CT: Praeger Pub., 1994. Over six hundred pages fewer than Ogburn and the work that converted me.
Whittemore, Hank. The Monument. Marshfield Hills, MA: Meadow Geese Press, 2005. Prince Tudor theory explains the Sonnets and their structure.
Wright, Daniel, ed. Discovering Shakespeare: A Festschrift in Honour of Isabel Holden. Portland: Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre, 2009.
—. “‘He was a scholar and a ripe and good one’: The Education of the Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, Mirrored in the Shakespeare Canon.” The Oxfordian 1 (1998): 64-87.
—. “Who Was Edward de Vere?” The Edward de Vere Studies Conference. https://www.authorshipstudies.org/articles/devere.pdf
—. “William Shake-speare: ‘O, how that name befits my composition.'” The Edward de Vere Studies Conference. https://www.authorshipstudies.org/articles/shakespeare.pdf
[N.B.: For further research, Ogburn and Whalen have extensive bibliographies for all sides of the biographical issue.]