Science Fiction: Final Event

Dr. Michael Delahoyde
Washington State University

You Got Mycotoxins on My Ono-Sendei Dermatrodes!

Questions will be drawn from the material covered since the last exam: that’s Solaris on through to the end of all other materials (films, articles, architecture, etc.) since.

I.IDENTIFICATIONS. [Total 26 points.]

Maybe identify the color of Solaris’ moons or identify who is 3Jane — that kind of question but, ideally, less trivial. These questions will be inflicted individually to you, the not-yet flatline construct, at the beginning of the designated class period: Friday, April 28th.

II.QUOTATIONS. [Total 50 points; 5 points each.]

A larger chunk of time during the designated class period you will spend as Steppin’ Razors, but progressing as a collective in groups of your own size and selection with questions that combine identification and significance based on quotations from the literature and the other relevant materials, selected for their representativeness of our discussions on key points ever since the previous exam. For this section, in addition to the work groups, you may use books, notes, A.I.s, and/or any other resources you find helpful.

III.TAKE-HOME ESSAY. [Total 24 points.]

Thou art God. But answer the following question with brilliant critical thinking, originality, and superb writing skills. The essay should be a virtuoso piece of glory manifested in impressive eloquence, with facile reference to specifics from the materials, properly documented, to the tune of about two (2) pages, double-spaced.

  • Discuss the theme of personal identity in some of the materials of the latter half of the semester. Why is SF concerned with this issue?
    And feel welcome to personalize this essay. One of the objectives of this course has been “To increase intellectual maturation and clarification of our own values through examination of ideas and attitudes in literary/cultural contexts and through articulation of these.” So what have you learned this semester, and what have you learned about yourself this semester in relation to science fiction? [Announcing that you’ve discovered you’re a fan or a detester of SF is among the poorest of strategies for answering this portion of the question. Please come up with something subtler and more sophisticated.]

The essay may be turned in on the Friday to accompany the other in-class components, and you’ll be completely done; however, you may turn it in at 355 Avery Hall (under the door if I’m not in), or e-mail it to me (and be sure to get a confirmation of receipt back from me), any time before 11:00 am, Tuesday, May 2nd. One second after 11:00 am, though, and tough, no matter what. It’s not … okay, it is rocket science.

BIG DAY: FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2006; 11:10 PM.