Pre-Commentary:From the people who gave us Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,this stop-motion animation was a personal favorite when I wasa kid. Hell, it’s got Boris Karloff playing Dr. Frankenstein forthe last time before his death in 1969!
Notes: Rankin/ Bass. 94 minutes.
Baron Von Frankenstein: Boris Karloff
The Creature’s Wife: Phyllis Diller
Francesca: Gale Garnett
Felix Flanken: Alan Swift
Director: Jules Bass
Summary: BaronVon Frankenstein raises a vial to the lightning; after creatinglife, he has now harnessed the power to destroy matter, and acrow and tree blow sky-high. He has his created assistant Francescasend out invitations to all monsters and to his nephew Felix,who works in a drug store.
On October 13th, the Frankenstein monster (andhis wife), Dracula, the Mummy, the Werewolf (“Wolfie, youold dog! This convention is going to be a howling success!”),Dr. Jekyll, the Hunchback, the Invisible Man, and the Creature(of the Black Lagoon) gather at the Doctor’s island. “It”was not invited and is feared; Yetch (a Peter Lorre-like assistantwho dotes upon Francesca) and an army of zombies are to patrolthe island.
Chef Mafia Machiavelli prepares octopus soup,hyena casserole, and other vile concoctions. The ghoulish bandplays “It’s the Mummy.” Frankenstein is tired of “doingbad for others and rarely getting any bad in return.” Hisplanned retirement sends the monsters into vying for succession,but Francesca warns Dracula that nephew Felix is in the way. Themonster and his mate maneuvre against this pair, but when Francescafalls in love with the asthmatic Felix, the two try to leave theisland. Francesca is kidnapped and falls into the hands of “It”(King Kong). Frankenstein is disgusted with the mercenary monstersand helps Felix by flying a plane near It. He is captured in onehand of the creature who has the monsters in the other hand. Frankensteinreleases the vile of chemical destruction, blowing them all upbut Francesca and Felix, who escape in a boat. Francesca confessesthat she is a machine, but Felix finally seems to be one too.
Commentary:Better songs would have catapulted this film into eternal fameand fondness in the hearts of all. Drat.
Frankenstein Films
Vampire Films
Werewolf Films
Mummy Films
Jekyll and Hyde Films