Shakespeare / Delahoyde

English 306
Section 01 [H]
Summer 2007
SLN 22053
MTWThF 9:00 – 10:15
Avery 102
Dr. Michael Delahoyde
Avery Hall 355 — Washington State University
Hours: MTWTh 10:15-11:45, and by appointment.
Phone: 509-335-4832

Shakespeare Syllabus

[We will be reading plays selected by the class.
So the syllabus will undergo development throughout the semester.]

June 18 — Introductions and Images.
June 19 — Background; Timon of Athens Act I.
June 20 — Timon of Athens Acts II & III.
June 21 — Timon of Athens Acts III & IV.
June 22 — Timon of Athens Acts IV & V.

June 25 — The Authorship Controversy.
June 26 — The Authorship Controversy; Macbeth Act I.
June 27 — Macbeth Acts I & II.
June 28 — Macbeth Acts II & III.
June 29 — Macbeth Acts III & IV.

July 2 — Macbeth Acts IV & V.
July 3 — Midterm Exam.
July 5 — Antony and Cleopatra Act I.
July 6 — Project #1 Due; Antony and Cleopatra Act II.

July 9 — Antony and Cleopatra Act III.
July 10 — Antony and Cleopatra Act IV.
July 11 — Antony and Cleopatra Act V.
July 12 — Shakespearathon Games.
July 13 — The Winter’s Tale Act I.

July 16 — The Winter’s Tale Acts II & III.
July 17 — The Winter’s Tale Act IV.
July 18 — The Winter’s Tale Act V.
July 19 — The Tempest Act I.
July 20 — The Tempest Act II.

July 23 — The Tempest Act III.
July 24 — The Tempest Act IV.
July 25 — The Tempest Act V; Project #2 Due.
July 26 — Last Stuff and Review.
July 27 — Final Shakespearasummerama 2007.

Dr. Michael Delahoyde, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of English
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Washington State University
This page was last updated 16 July 2007.