Medieval/Renaissance Exam

Humanities 302
Medieval/Renaissance Final Exam
Dr. Michael Ebenezer Delahoyde
Washington State University


Questions will be drawn from the material covered since the last exam: that’s most of Dante’s Inferno on through to the end of all Renaissance materials since.

I. IDENTIFICATIONS. [Total 26 points.]

On the designated day for this second exam of the semester, you will rely on the breadth and depth of your absorption of the class materials in order to answer an assortment of questions, primarily but perhaps not exclusively identification based: maybe identify the punishment for thieves, or who painted the Mona Lisa, or how many stories are in the Decameron, or identify the originator of the “Petrarchan” sonnet — that kind of question, only a bit more difficult. This portion of the exam will be inflicted on you individually at the beginning of the last class period, Wednesday, November 20th.

II. QUOTATIONS. [Total 50 points; 5 points each.]

A combination of identification and significance questions will follow quotations from the literature, art images, musical tracks, and the other relevant materials selected for their representativeness of our discussions on key points ever since the previous exam. “Santa knows that we’re God’s children and that makes everything right.”

III. TAKE-HOME ESSAY. [Total 24 points.]

The essay should be an original and virtuoso piece of glory, with a unified perspective and fine critical thinking, manifested in impressive eloquence, with facile reference to specifics from the class materials, and amounting to about three (3) pages, double-spaced.

  • How is the aesthetic shift from the medieval period to the “renaissance” (or the “early modern” period) relevant to us currently or to your own worldview?

The essay is due as hardcopy on exam day to accompany the other in-class components of the exam.