RESUMEBuzz P. LaGoon423 Main, apt. #4c Pullman Wash 99164 Phone number 555-4606 (ask for the Buzz-man)OBJECTIVE To work at a majorly bonus companieEDUCATION Yipsha High School, Yipsha Falls,OR Graduated 1993 Undergraduate College or University: WSU B.A., expected May 1997 Major: phsycologyEXPERIENCE Current Employer (June 1993 – ) Dutchess County Health Dept.: Mosquito Control Div. My daily dutie’s include larvicide spraying in county swamps, ditches, and stagnant pools, updateing maps, refill of larvicide tanks, equip. maintinence. Previous Employer ( Jan. 87 – Oct. 91) Grammy LaGoon: dogsiting. Dutie’s included feeding and bagging feacees, also administering pills (and shot-Missy). Lab Ass. (Aug-Dec.1992) Greater Yipsha Beef Procesing Plant. ran the rape-rack; distributed earphones to carcass technicians. HONORS REC’D:– Pork Queen ’91, Marion Ohio County Drag Fair – Gamma Gamma Hey Butt-Head of the Week Belch-Off, second prizeACTIVITIE’S – Chess Club Fundraiser Steering Commitee(1992) – Yipsha Hot-Dog Glut-a-Thon for brain Defects, volanteerSECTION HEADING This can be any information relevant to your rÈsumÈ. Played “Ol’ Man Winter” at the Old Ladie’s Home, Yipsha, ORREFERENCES Mrs. Gretchen LaGoonDwight 12 Bird Lane Slurp ‘n Burp (back booth)Yipsha Falls, OR 86636 Robinson Park Road555-7157 Moscow, ID 83843