Michael Delahoyde
Washington State University
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
The Lost World
The Lost World
Notes Towards Paper Topics
The Piltdown Hoax
A Lost Chapter from The Lost World
The Lost World (1925 Film)
The Lost World (1960 Film)
The Lost World (1992 Film)
Return to The Lost World (1992 Film)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World (1998 Film)
Blau, Peter E. and Jon L. Lellenberg. “A Search for Emotional Peace.” The Quest for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Thirteen Biographers in Search of a Life. Ed. Jon L. Lellenberg. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1987. 146-158.
Cox, Don Richard. Arthur Conan Doyle. NY: Frederick Ungar Pub. Co., 1985. Introduction (11) and Chapter 6 (184-200).
Davies, Howard. “The Lost World: Conan Doyle and the Suspense of Evolution.” Nineteenth-Century Suspense from Poe to Conan Doyle. Ed. Clive Bloom, Brian Docherty, Jane Gibb, and Keith Shand. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1988. 107-119.
Lamond, John. Arthur Conan Doyle: A Memoir. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1972. Chapter 9 (110-112).
Malec, Andrew S. “Commitment to Great Causes.” The Quest for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Thirteen Biographers in Search of a Life. Ed. Jon L. Lellenberg. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1987. 64-76.
Nordon, Pierre. Conan Doyle: A Biography. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. Chapter 19 concerns Professor Challenger (328-336).
Pearson, Hesketh. Conan Doyle. NY: Walker and Co., 1961. 217-221.