English 370 — Delahoyde
Washington State University
I. IDENTIFICATIONS. [15 questions; total 30 points.]
Maybe match Column A with Column B; or identify the character who was “gentlest, kindest to his people, and most eager for fame”; or identify the author of The Art of Courtly Love — that kind of question. These questions will be inflicted individually and intracerebrally during the scheduled class period. I will e-mail you the questions (both as e-mail text and as a Word doc) by 1:00pm and will expect answers (either format) back by 2:00pm. So put on your thinking tonsures and hope you find favor with Saint Loy, abject sinners!
II. QUOTATIONS. [8 questions; total 40 points.]
Also included in the e-mail will be a combination of identification and, more importantly, significance questions, following quotations from the literature selected for their representativeness of our discussions on key points during these first many weeks. This is not trivial pursuit, and I derive no glee from stumping you; but you do need to recognize key ideas and moments from the works and from our class interactions. If you have spent time with the material and paid attention in class, only a close review of notes is necessary for preparation. Otherwise, you will have but care and woe.
III. TAKE-HOME ESSAY. [Total 30 points.]
DO THIS FIRST. This portion of the exam will also be due on exam day, October 14th, 1:00pm. You will need to drop an e-copy in the designated Canvas Discussion space by that time or earlier.
Answer the following thoroughly and precisely, in a minimum of three (3) pages, double-spaced. The essay should be a virtuoso piece of brilliance manifested in impressive eloquence, with facile reference to specifics from the medieval literature, properly documented.Where do you find a connection or connections between the material in this course so far and that of another course or courses? Consider another English or Humanities course, or classes in an entirely other discipline? What illuminating implications emerge from this integrated vision?
[Beware constructing a list and therefore a fragmented essay. And beware inauthentic fake answers. If you assert that the works we study in this class are the foundation for further works in another English lit class, then the new question is simply, and in turn, so what good is that?]